Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Just wanted to write real quick to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We are actually doing our Christmas Eve tonight because we are leaving on Christmas Eve to go to DC for Christmas. We will be putting out our Reindeer food:-) Thank you Sarah! It is starting to become a yearly tradition with Josh's family to all get together out there for Christmas. It's a lot of fun and we get to see his whole family together once a year. We are leaving on Christmas Eve and we come back New Year's Day. My kids have been very blessed this Christmas with all the gifts they are getting despite the economy right now. We started shopping really early this year.
My baby girl absolutely loves to talk about Santa this year....or HoHo as she calls him. She always says, "Ho Ho, baby" She wants Santa to bring her a baby for Christmas and believe me she is definitely getting enough of them! Santa actually came to the daycare yesterday and you should have seen the look on Emma's face. She froze when he came in the room and then she ran over to one of her teacher's and held onto their leg. She was PUT on Santa's lap because I wanted a picture of her and Santa. She did not cry but she would not look at him at all and she had this halarious look on her face! Needless to say I did get a picture though.
Ethan's present this year that he's going to love is his Gameboy SP. He's really getting into this right now and I didn't want to go straight to the DS...:-)
Anyway I know I'm horrible about writing on this and I'm thinking about closing it out all together. I just wanted to wish you all Happy Holiday's and I hope you have a great time with your families!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

I know it's been FOREVER!!!

So I don't really know where to start and I'm sure I will forget to mention some things. Ethan is getting ready this coming week to take his Kindergarten Pictures! I am excited and I hope they turn out good. His kindergarten year is going really good for him so far. He has already learned 30+ words! Yea! I do love his teacher also and I was afraid of the school he was going to but it has turned out great!
To back up a couple weeks. It was the 20 year death anniversary of my cousin that died in a car accident and just last week it was the 2 year death anniversary of my mom's death. I have been kind of down in the dumps about both of those. It's extremely hard but I try to deal with it everyday. I'm pretty much okay or as good as you can be about Amy's death now that it's been 20 years but my mom's is still very very fresh and I miss her sooooo much everyday. It is those simple things like calling her on the phone or dropping my kids off for the night or just asking her for something that I might need that I can't ask anyone else for....Since my mom died I have been very distance with all of my family and I don't really speak with any of them to much at all anymore and that's really hard too. Recently though I have been talking to my sister and cousin on Facebook. That has taken over my online computer time recently...Facebook and Myspace.
Amy Emma's therapist is still coming to see her once a week and some weeks are good and some weeks not so much but I do have to say it is definitely an improvement from where she started. :-)
This weekend we were suppose to go down and see my best friend in Bloomington that I haven't seen since May and we've already reschuduled a couple times because her kids were sick and now Emma got sick on Friday at school and so I had to reschedule with her again! Emma is feeling better now I think or hope. She threw up a couple times at school on Friday afternoon and had a slight temp. I got her home and no more throwing up but she's had a temp since today. Not a whole lot went on this weekend. Went grocery shopping, out to luncn and today I feel like the laundry is never going to END! I'm real bad about getting really backed up on laundry.
This coming weekend I'm taking Emma to go see Playhouse Disney at the Metrocenter and then off to Sarah's for scrapnight! Then that following Monday I have off work. Josh and I are going to try and go and do something by ourselves. :-)
I bought my children's halloween costumes a week ago and Ethan picked out a storm trooper from Star Wars and Emma is going to be Snow White.
My dad is having surgery on his bladder this coming Tuesday to see if the Cancer has spread at all. Please cross your fingers and say a prayer that everything is okay. I can't imagine losing my dad anytime soon...
I feel like I'm all over with different subjects but whatever comes to mind I write about! :-) I put up all of my Halloween Decorations last weekend and Emma loves it. Everyday when we leave the house she has to say goodbye to the pumpkin leaf bags that we filled and put in our yard.
So far this fall we have made it out to the Apple Orchard that looks so wonderful again but not the Pumpkin Patch yet...that is coming though. I am also looking foward to going to all the upcoming craft shows. :-)
Well I can't really think of anything else to say right now but I hope you're all doing well. Until Next Time...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Not a whole lot going on...

I felt like I wanted to post even though not much is going on.
This past week was pretty boring. I was suppose to work on Wednesday night for Chasey but(Ann)she accidently forgot to write my name down so she thought I wasn't available that night. Thank God I did call and check though because I was just going to end up showing up there and sorry we don't need you we have someone else...which is fine but it would have been kind of awkard. It was good though because Josh went to a Brewer's game that day and would have had to pick up the kids from Chasey. So after work I took the kids to McDonalds and then we just came home and relaxed. Besides that we really didn't do anything the rest of the week.
Oh after dinner on Thursday night Josh and Ethan went to get their hair cut...:-) Handome Boys now!
Friday after work I went to pick up my wonderful babysitter! Stephanie Ruch! She's is wonderful with my kids and my kids just love her. I'm not sure how much longer I will be able to have her though because she is now in High School and I'm sure going to have lots and lots of stuff to do! She did watch the kids on Friday night though while Josh and I went to a meeting in Shaumberg and then out to eat. That was really nice.
Saturday I got up went shopping a little for new clothes for the kids and then we all went to JC Penney outlet and got the kids new winter coats and a new pair of tennis shoes for me. After that we ate at Dairy Queen for lunch and then came home and the kids took a nap. By the way has anyone tried the new Banana Cream Pie Blizzard at DQ? Ummm, YUMMY! That is so tasty!
After the kids woke up we went grocery shopping and then to dinner. After dinner we stopped and picked up some medicine for Ethan's skin and then home.
Today I have not left the house. I cleaned most of the morning and Josh made breakfast. I put Emma down to sleep and now we're just sitting here watching football. Tonight we're making Chili for dinner and getting ready to start our week tomorrow. This coming week not to much going on either...pretty boring huh?
This coming weekend Josh is going up to the Dells for a Bachelor party and won't be home until Sunday sometime which is fun for him but I hate being home alone...:-(
Sunday I'm going over to Neen's house to watch the Bear's game.
Until next time friends...I hope you all have a great week!

Monday, September 1, 2008

The long weekend is just about over...:-(

What a wonderful long weekend it was though. I hope all of you had a great weekend as well. Weekend recap...
Friday night I got home and waited for Josh to get home. He walked in the door and I told him I really didn't feel like cooking so we went out to eat at Fiesta Cancun. That place is really yummy! After that we just came home and relaxed.
Saturday we got up and went to the Jelly Belly factory. We got there took a tour of the plant which is pretty neat and then spent WAY to much money on Jelly Belly's! *lol* After we left there we went to woodfield and took the kids to eat at the Rainforest. They loved that! I guess I should say that they loved it until the thunderstorm hit inside the restaurant! Emma covered her head up completely with her blanket and Ethan had this scared look on his face and covered his ears. After it was done I told them that it wasn't real and then I think they were okay. After that we took the kids to Ridemakerz and Ethan got to make a monster car. He thought that was the best thing ever! It was really cool but it can get expensive. After that we left and came home.
Sunday we just went to Justice and Elisa's birthday party and the kids had a blast playing with all their friends that were there. She rented a cotton candy machine and they had a pinate and got to take home these big blowup bouncy ballons. It was pretty nice. After we left the party we ran to the video store rented some movies and then came home.
Today we didn't do to much. Cleaned the house, did laundry, pulled some weeks and then went to lunch. After lunch we came home the kids rested/napped and then we played some Wii Fit. That is really nice and some things that you do in that it does give you quite the workout. Tonight we're just going to make some dinner and probably watch one of the movies we rented.
This coming week looks pretty good. Josh is going to a Brewer's game on Wednesday and I will be working at Chasy on Wednesday night. Besides that not to much planned. So far no plans for this coming weekend but I'm sure that will change! Until next time...

Friday, August 29, 2008

We Made it through...:-)

Well Ethan's first week of Kindergarten is finished. Everything went really well.
On the first full day he came back to the daycare and had this look on his face like something was wrong. I called the school and talked to his teacher and she goes by the red, yellow, and green stop light for behavior. She told me that Ethan had had a yellow day that day because him and another child were playing around when they were suppose to be looking at a book...well I think Ethan was kind of upset about this and I had talked to him that night and the next three days to finish up the week were all green and he even got a pecial bug today and he got to pick out of the treasure box! I was very proud of him. I think he knows now that it's a little different and things have changed. So besides that everything has gone pretty well. His teacher also sent home a newsletter on Tuesday that said he had to know 10 sight words by Friday. WHAT!?!?!?!? I was really shocked and didn't really know that this was coming SO SOON! I think my friends at work were also a little shocked that it came so soon. Well we started working on Wednesday night and he knew them perfectly by Friday morning...I was very impressed with him. So today he came back from school and I asked him how his sight words test was and he said HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE IT! Frustrating! I'm really confused when he was going to test them. I did try and call to find out but the line was busy to the school. So I'm not real sure when she's going to ask them if they know the words. 1 week down, several to go! :-)
This weekend is going to be wonderful. The weather is suppose to be beautiful and we all have Monday off! Yea! Tomorrow I think we are going to go to Kenosha and go to the Jelly Belly Factory and maybe let the kids play on the beach at Lake Michigan. Jacque told me it's beautiful up there. We also wanted to take the kids into the Rainforest Cafe because we have a gift certificate there. On Sunday is one of my co workers son's birthday parties and we were going to go to their house. Monday I would really like to go to the pool on the last day before they all close. I can't believe summer is just about over and here we come fall! I am excited about fall though because of all the craft shows and the pumpkin patch and apple orchard. Hey does anyone know if the Apple Orchard is opening up again this year? I heard that they're rebuilding it but I wasn't sure when it was going to open?
Anyway I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and be safe. Until next time...

Monday, August 25, 2008

I did it!

Yes I know I haven't been blogging lately but I have to tell you I sent my boy off on his first day of kindergarten! Wow was that something! I did not cry but I did get a little teary eyed when she bent down shook Ethan's hand and said it's nice to meet you. I know all of you are shocked that I did not ball like an absolute baby! I tried to prepare myself and I think I did a pretty good job. Did I sleep last night? Absolutely NOT! I already love his teacher to death...she is amazing! She's real young and she said that she's been teaching for 3 years now. I did ask Ethan how his first day was when I picked him up and he said good and I'm already making new friends. Did I have an doubt? No...Ethan is very social and does not have a problem making friends. I was standing in the hall waiting to pick him up and I heard the teacher say to the children I am going to call whoever is sitting nice and quite on the rug to go get there things to get ready to go home. I was standing by the lockers so he would not see me but who was first to line up? Yes my big boy! I was so proud of him...not saying that everyday is going to be like this but it was nice. As we were walking back to the van he says to me, "mom no one had to go to the principals office today." I told him that's nice as I laugh to myself! He also said when we were taking a bathroom break I saw the principal in the hallway and I asked him if he said hi and he said he didn't but I do think it's pretty funny that he is keeping an eye out for him! *lol* The whole time after we dropped Ethan off at school Emma said about 50 million times...E? E? E? She was very worried but I kept telling her that we weren't going to leave him there we were going to go back and pick him up. You should have seen the look on her face when we went to get him! Boy was she happy! They love each other to death...:-) After I picked him up we went to the mall and I let them play in the play area and then I told them to McDonalds. He was very happy about that. Now we're at home and I'm in the process of cleaning my house while the children are resting/napping. Hope all is well with all you of and I hope to hear from you soon! Until next time...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Let the countdown begin!

22 days from today my baby boy will be starting his first day of kindergarten! Oh My Gosh! I'm trying to prepare myself but I don't think it's really going to help! I can't believe it's here already and I'm sure from here on out it's going to FLY by! I hope he does well...I think he will I just am dreading any phone calls from the school discussing his behavior. As some of you know Ethan can get angry at times and it's hard but I think he is doing much better than he use to. So I guess we will just see how it goes and go from there...I also think that once he gets into school they mature so much more. If I'm wrong please feel free to correct me but I think he's just getting older and knows how to do and control a lot more of his actions sometimes.
My baby girl is doing good...trying to say more words everyday and throwing fits! She is defnitely hitting her terrible twos and saying NO ALL THE TIME! That is her most favorite word! lol I remember that Ethan was worse when he was 3 but I'm not sure what she's going to be like at 3! Uh oh! Besides that Amy still sees Emma every week and she loves her to death! I'm very thankful for that!
Last weekend when we all went to Archiver's it was so much fun! I actually got something done for once! lol
Sarah I'm sorry to hear the results about Jacob I'm sure he's sad but it will eventually be okay. I know that's easy for me to say but I just want you to know that all of you guys are in my prayers. That is awesome by the way what Ryan sent him in the mail...I bet he was absolutely beside himself! :-)
This past week went pretty good...we had to get the van fixed before our vacation next week so that was kind of sucky but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess.
This weekend so far has been pretty good. Yesterday Ethan had his last swimming lesson which I can't believe that it's over already but he did learn quite a bit. He can't swim completely on his own yet but he's doing much much better. We also had another yard sale at our house yesterday and that went okay but nothing big let me tell you! I thought it was such a beautiful day we would have a lot of people and apparently they were all doing other things! :-) It did make me quite upset though because when I went around to take down all the signs one of my signs was down and folded in half and I opened it up and it said, "It's Rude and Unchristian to take down or cover other peoples signs." I was shocked because when I put my sign up there was nothing there...oh well I guess it just completely shocked me! After the sale my friend Ellyn came over with her daughter Rylee and the kids ran through the sprinker and played in the baby pool that we have. They had so much fun and when they were done playing outside we came in ordered Chinese for dinner and the kids played inside for a while. Emma and Rylee love each other and every time they see each other they have to give one another a great big hug! It's real cute! That was pretty much the end of the night and today I'm not sure what we're going to do. We might go to the pool or maybe into Woodfield...I'm not sure yet.
This coming week not a whole lot going on...Amy is coming to see Amy and we're getting ready to leave for vacation. We're going back to PA where Josh is from. We haven't been back there in about 4 and a half years so we think it's about time! We're staying with Josh's best friend from college for a couple days and going into Pittsburgh and then we're headed to his grandpas house for a couple days. His grandpa lives where the Steeler's Training Camp is so we will be going there for day and maybe getting autographs and/or pics. We are also going to Penn State for a day which is going to be awesome! I can't wait and I will be buying some stuff! :-)
One of our last days there we are going to this theme/waterpark back there which is suppose to be really nice. That will be fun for the kids. I'm not really looking foward to the ride but we'll get through it! When we return home I have to register Ethan for school and we're going to Magic Water's on Saturday before returning to work on Monday...this is the 18th! Josh and I are celebrating our 7 year wedding anniversary on Monday the 11th! 3 more years and we're going to take a really nice much needed vacation all by ourselves. Okay well I have to go for now but I hope all is well with all of you. Until next time...

Friday, July 18, 2008

What do I say...

So I would like to blog more frequently because I have to say lately I'm online every single night. Not a whole lot happened this week. Emma had her therapy on wednesday and Ethan went to the Discovery Center on Thursday...he loves that place! Emma's therapy is going well. She's tries so very hard to say so many things but she just can't get them out yet. I'm not sure when it will happen but I do see improvement! :-) Besides that not a whole lot to talk about...pretty boring I know. I did have to go all the way back to work last night to get my computer because I really didn't want it sitting there all night. So after I picked up my computer we went to Fridays because we had a gift card to use. That was yummy but Emma is getting so crazy in restaurants lately or I take that back really anywhere we go. She wants everything and she always wants up or down or this or that and screams so then everyone turns and looks...Oh My Gosh! It's embarassing but I do remember Ethan went through similiar times. And like tonight she didn't get her way when she wanted something her brother had I told her no and tried to give her something else...doesn't work that was. WOW did she throw herself down and start screaming! Whewww! So this weekend we were suppose to go to the beach my co workers and I but we think it's going to rain like the forcast calls for so we all decided to meet at Tumbleweed tomorrow night for dinner at 6:00, that should be nice except for the fact that Emma might throw a fit...I did prepare all of them though. I'm not sure what else to occupy her with besides everything I have in the diaper bag but that's not good enough. So that's pretty much tomorrow besides Ethan's swimming lessons but I'm not sure if he will have those or not...we'll see. Sunday all that's on my schedule is a Riverhawks game. Never been to one but I am kind of looking foward to it. Anyone been to a Riverhawks game? Well that's all I can think of for now so I hope all of you have a great weekend! Until next time...

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What a crazy weekend!

I know it's taken me forever to update my blog but that's just me I guess!
So Friday night we went out to dinner after Josh worked our yard sale at a friend's house and then after dinner we went over to Old Navy to see if they had any sales going on...not to much by the way. So we left Old Navy went to the game stop and then home. When we were getting out of the car Josh asked me where my wallet was? I said it should be on the floor of the car. He looked and said it wasn't...I then realized that I left it in the shopping cart at Old Navy. I freaked out! I thought my husband was going to blow but he stayed very calm. I called Old Navy right away and they said it was gone! OH MY GOSH! We started calling everywhere and canceling everything. Nothing was charged on anything by the time we got to it all. Thank you God! So that has been very stressful! After that was said and done we went to bed about 11:00 which I couldn't sleep very well at up and Josh went over to his friend's house and started the sale again. I took Emma with me and I went to the DMV to get a new Driver's License. We got that all done and then went to the sale. The kids played in the yard and then Ethan got ready for his swimming lessons. I took Ethan and Emma to that and he's doing very good. They put life jackets on the kids and then made them swim all the way over to the deep end. Ethan was doing pretty good he made it about half way and then the instructor had to come get him because he was getting tired. She let him hold on to the raft and pulled him the rest of the way. Once they all got over there they all got out, jumped back in and then started swimming again. When they accounced the class was over all the kids started swimming back over to the wall and getting out. Ethan tried so hard. He started swimming back over as hard as he could and he was so tired that he started to cry. He stopped in the middle of the pool and I went over to the side and told him it's okay just try to come to the side and I will pull you out. He was able to but I could tell when I pulled him out he was about to fall over...:-( He tried so hard! So after swimming we went back to the yard sale for a minute and then the kids started to get tired and hungry so I took them to McDonald's and then came home and they laid down. While they were laying down I watch My Best Friend's Wedding and then after they got up we went over to Angie's house. She was having a cook out and the kids played together and ran through the sprinker. They had so much fun! I didn't bring Ethan's swim trunks because I didn't realize so Ethan ran through it with his clothes on. After he had to put on some of Jason's because he was absoulutely soaked! When we left there we went back to the yard sale and they were boxing everything up. We made about $400.00 which was very nice but we have to have some things done with that money. We ordered pizza, ate, came home and we were all in bed by 8:30. Got up this morning and started cleaning my house. Josh left for a Brewer's game about 7:45 this morning and got home about 6:30. It was a bus trip that he went with some of his co workers. He said it was a good time. I took the kids to Alpine Park this morning for about an hour, after we went to the mall and they played again in the play area. I was very sad to see that the Disney Store finally did close. :-( After the mall we went over to Toy's R Us and Ethan got his Back pack for school and his lunch box. They had a really good sale that if you buy the backpack you get the lunch box for free. So he picked out a Kung Fu Panda backpack and a Wall-E lunch box. It was the very last Wall-E one. He was very excited! I was thinking to myself. Oh My Gosh I can't believe I'm actually buying this right now and how close his first day of school is! WOW! So after that I took the kids to Happy Joe's and we got some cheese sticks with sauce, a drink and tokens for the kids to play the games...really Ethan to play but whatever! They were both very happy. Emma kept going over to the glass where they have all the toys and saying Ma Ma and pointing to what she wanted in there! To Funny! So they picked out a couple small toys and we were off again. After that we came home and all passed out! We all took a nap got up and went to Walmart. I had to get some things and something for dinner and when we got home I put Ethan's lotion on and then I was going to get dinner for them and Josh came home. We all sat down and had dinner together and then after dinner the kids played. I put them to bed, put laundry in and now I'm writing. So that was pretty much my weekend. This coming week Amy is coming to see Emma...which is going very well! She is started to repeat a lot of words or try to and it's so nice! :-) I love it! This coming weekend we are going to swim lessons on saturday and then after that we are meeting my co workers at Rock Cut Beach! Hopefully it doesn't rain...and on Sunday we are going to a Riverhawks game. Our first one so I hope that is fun! Have any of you been to one? Well I hope all is well with all of you. Until next time...which who knows when!?!?!?! :-)

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Family of Pixie and Daz

Pyzam Family Sticker Toy
Create your own family sticker graphic at

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Everything under the sun...

This is how I felt yesterday when I received the results of Ethan's allergy test. I didn't realize how many things he was allergic too. I knew some of them because of reactions he's had to different things. Around cats and dogs his eyes get really puffy and swollen. Poor little boy. So not only is he allergic to trees, grass, weeds, ragweed, dust, dust mites, cat, dog, horse, there are others ones as well but I forget everything off the top of my head. I know he's not allergic to feathers and cockroaches. I think cockroaches is such a strange thing but I guess some people are very allergic including Kristina...Jacque's daughter. So now he's on Zyrtec everyday now but I have to try and get all the dust and dust mites out of his bedroom and the house for that matter. So very hard but I'm trying. He is very sad though because all of his stuffed animals that he made at Build A Bear I took off his bed and he does like to cuddle with his stuffed animals. I'm trying to think of everything that I can do for him to help him. My little boy...not only Excema but now many many allergies. His skin is so nice right now because every night before he goes to bed I lotion him all over his body and he has helped. That makes not only him feel better but me as well because he's not so itchy all over.
Back to the allergy test...I was so proud of him laying still for all the pricks and then laying there for 20 minutes while the soulution settled into his skin. The nurse came back into the room after his time was up and she said, Oh Dear God! I said what's going on? What's wrong? And she just said I can't believe how allergic he is! The doctor then came back in and looked at him and said that she wasn't even going to do the blood test then because she saw the results and said that she was going to put him on meds anyway so she didn't really feel the need right now...which is good I guess for right now because I didn't want him to go through that as well.
Before the appt though the fire alarm went off at work when the kids were all sleeping. That was just about the craziest thing ever! I couldn't believe that it was happening and I'm sure everyone else was just as shocked. We did get everyone up though and got them outside. I had to leave when we all got them back in so I felt kind of bad leaving all of them like that but I really didn't have a choice.
While we were at the doctor appt. Emma's therapist came to see her and it didn't go very well because it was the first time Amy came to the center, she didn't get much sleep, and it was just crazy in her room at the time. Next week she will come back to the house and then the following week she's coming back to the center but in the morning this time so maybe a better time?!?!?!
Not a whole lot went on today but I'm sure glad tomorrow is Friday...Yea! :-)
Until next time...

Monday, June 23, 2008

I know your shocked but I'M BACK!!!!

I know it took 5 years and I don't really know where to start but I'm back!
I feel like I don't even know what to say right now...I haven't done this in a while so I have to get back into it! :-)
First of all I have to say that last Saturday night was absoulutely the best night of my life! It was so amazing and to be that close to reach out and touch them...well almost I guess! We were so very close! I do have to say that Keith is HOT!!!! Kenny's not to bad either...Hehehehe! It was a very long night but I would do it again in a heartbeat! I laid down in my bed about 3:15 and my wonderful boy decided to wake up and come up to our room about 6:30. Nice huh? I did take a nap though and that was wonderful!
Sunday we had Ethan's last all star T-ball game of the year. He's getting very good but I'm sad to see that it's already done but oh well. Next year again.
Ethan did have to miss his second swim lesson on Saturday morning because he had a T-ball game that day as well and it was the same time. We'll start again next week. That goes every week until the second week of August and then I have to prepare myself for his first day of kindergarten! Whewww I can't really think about that right now.
Alright so I'm sorry if I completely confused you about my weekend because I kind of confused myself but it's probably because I'm pretty tired right now. It's not even 9:00 yet but I do need some sleep.
Today was Monday and it was quite the Monday. My lovely husband and I got into a discussion and that always stresses me out because it doesn't really happen to often but when it does I do get stressed out. It was all about Ethan's allergist appt on Wednesday. He was going to cancel it because of financial reasons but I really think he needs it so I called back and got the appt back. Anyway you can put two and two together and figure out why we had this discussion. Okay well it's said and done. I'm not really sure what's going to happen but he does need it. They said they are going to do this 11 prick test and I'm not sure about that but we'll see. They also said that they may need to do lab work but that can always be done at another time right?
Anyway back to tonight. After work I brought the kids home and I went to a class. I got home about 7:30 and then took the kids outside to play with the sidewalk chalk. We came in ab out 8:00 I put Emma to bed, put lotion on Ethan and then put him to bed. Now I'm writing! Yea! Tomorrow I don't really think a whole lot is going on. Emma's therapist might have to come over tomorrow night because she was suppose to come to school on Wednesday but Ethan's first allergist appt they told me may take up to 4 hours and I might not be back to talk to her. So I'm going to call her tomorrow morning and see what she says...kind of short notice but we'll see.
Emma's therapist is wonderful and I do love her. Her name is Amy and she's so great with Emma and Emma really likes her too!
So we're on to Wednesday....I think I pretty much said already what's going on.
I know tomorrow and Wednesday Ethan starts basketball and tumbling through school age. That will be very cool! He has been a little something lately in the school age room but today I do have to say he had a wonderful day! :-)
On to Thursday I don't really think a whole lot is going on but Ethan goes on his first school age field trip to the Dolphin Swim Club. I know he will love that! He love water! Friday nothing really going on or that I know of yet and Saturday is Ethan's swimming in the morning and then Sarah's that night! So much fun! I don't really think I will do much of anything like everytime but we do have so much fun!
Anyway girls I'm so glad to be back online! I'm going off to bed. I hope all is well with all of you and I hope to talk to you soon! Until next time...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kind of stressed...

So I have a little bit of stress going on in my life right now. I know it may sound stupid but once I get something on my mind I can't get it off if you know what I mean! So my baby girl is transitioning to the 2 year old room and I decided to put her in one room but then possibly both of the teachers might be leaving the room. I'm not for sure but there is a possiblity. The one might be getting another job within the center and the other one might be getting a new job where her mom works. So now I'm kind of stressed about that and I don't want to put Emma in one room where there might possibly be new teachers but might not. I'm so confused!!! So what I think is that I'm going to end up putting her in the other 2 year old room and hopefully will not regret my decision. The one thing about the other 2 year old room is that one of the teachers in that room will be going on maternity leave in October for a few that time though hopefully Emma will be well adjusted to the room and it should be okay...Am I crazy? I don't know just lots of worries! I was not this worried when my boy transitioned to the 2 year old room but then it was only one choice really.

So I also found out that Emma's Developmental Therapist is named Amy Erickson and she will be contacting me soon to set up a schedule. She will be coming to the center twice a month and also coming to my house twice a month at night or on the weekend's. So that's nice and I hope it helps her. :-)

I'm trying to think of anything else happening this week. Ethan got his moving papers to the school age room and he moves in about a week. I asked him if he was excited and at first he said not really but now I think he's changed his mind a little. He's just been in Ms. Linda and Ms. Char's room for 2 years and they just get use to it you know? I think he will have lots of fun and I know he will enjoy the field trips once a week. Who wouldn't right? Fun, Fun! His graduation is on Sunday and I really have to get myself prepared for that...I guess as much as I can. :-( I can't believe that it's finally here! His grandma and pappy are coming in from Florida tomorrow and he's VERY EXCITED to see them. He hasn't seen them since Christmas so it will be really nice. I'm so happy that they decided to come out to see him graduate! :-)

Well I guess that's all for now but I will try and update sometime soon.
Until next time...

Monday, May 26, 2008

What a week...:-)

So I thought I should try and update all of you because it's been a week! I really have no accuse either because I have been on vacation all week! Oops!
Okay so Monday we got home from Bloomington and celebrated my baby girl's birthday.
She is officially in a toddler bed. Wow! The first couple nights she did fall out because we heard a big thud and then crying. I didn't go down and check because I thought that would just make her upset and she did stop crying right away. I know that probably sounds like I'm an awful mom... We did then put up a side rail so she wouldn't fall anymore. I know eventually we need to take it down but for right now that's how it is. :-)
Tuesday and Wednesday we did yard, fun! We got the front and side of our house cleaned up. It was weed galore! Oh my Gosh I didn't realize how time consuming that is. We got that looking pretty now with mulch. It looks much better and I'm sure our neighbors appreciate it too! On our little street everyone tries to keep their yard looking really nice. Except us unti this week! Hehehehe......
Tuesday night we also had Ethan's T-ball game. That went pretty good except for the fact that my lovely 2 year old daughter is starting to throw fits and she definitely has a tude already. I already know that I'm in trouble.
Oh question for all of you...So Emma is starting to cry a lot...I mean a lot and I'm not real sure what to do about this. You would think that I would know because I have worked with toddlers for how long now? Yeah but it's different when it's your own. She is a complete angel at school and doesn't fuss at all. At home completely different story cry cry cry...kind of drives me crazy if you know what I mean. Everytime she can't have something she cries, or if I'm not doing exactly what she wants at that very second she will throw a big fit! She also has figured out that if she cries around the boy that he will get into trouble! Naughty naughty right?
Also when we go out places now she will throw a fit if I don't hand her what she wants or if we're eating out she wants to sit in my lap and I don't let her and then she screams and everyone and their mother turns around like I am hitting her or something. Wow! So any suggestions?
Back to the week....Thursday was the children's doctor's appts. Emma was very good. Her ears look perfect! Yay! No more ear infections. Ethan was pretty good except for the fact that he had to get 3 shots and a finger poke. He also has to go to an allergist for testing, go back up to Madison to have his birth mark looked at and is on a new medication for his excema...Wow lots of info. The doctor wants us to take him back up to Madison because he said that the birth mark he has can change pretty frequently and it can get dangerous which how do you think that made me feel! A NERVOUS RECK! Just what I need right? Yeah so back to the finger poke. After he had this done he came out to the waiting room and I looked at him and he turned completely white, starting sweating and I panicked! Oh my gosh he's having an allergic reaction to one of the shots. I called Josh to come and then Josh ran back to get the nurse. She ran out and said Oh boy he's green! What!?!?!? So she ran over to him and started rubbing his back and told him to put his head between his legs. He's was about 2 seconds from passing out! What genes he gets from his father!!!! She said that was only the second time that has happened to her. Oh My! So not only do I have to worry about Josh passing out I have to worry about my boy. If you all remember I had to call 911 last January for Josh passing out on the bathroom floor! That was really scary.
So Friday we headed up to the dells. That was lots of fun! We went to the Kalahari and I thought it was very nice. Our room got upgraded and it was beautiful! It not ony have 2 queen beds but a fire place, a sofa bed, a balgony over looking the outdoor waterpark. It was real nice. The waterpark itself was nice but I do like the one at the wilderness better. The wilderness has a couple different different ones and the one there is just one big one. The nice thing at the Kalahari though is thatthey always had something for kids to do. They were in a coloring contest, a savanger hunt, there was always something! We went out to eat at Pizzarea Uno which was yummy. Ela and Rachel came up on Friday night with their families and that was nice. I was very surprised but Ethan went down one of the inclosed tubes slides with Josh and I thought he would freak out but he of coarse he wanted to go right back up! He will be starting swimming lessons in about 2 weeks so then I won't be as scared when he learns how to swim!
Okay so Friday night when we went to bed Emma decided to wake up about 3:00 in the morning and started saying Hi, Hi, Hi...Oh my gosh! She thought it was time to get up for the day! I had to ignore her eventually and she went back to sleep! It was pretty funny! So Saturday we got up went swimming again and then left to go to Pirate's Cove mini putting. The kids loved that! I would post pics but I still don't know how! I know...It was really cute though and Ethan got a Hole in One! Yea!
After that we went to the outlet up there and the kids got to go to Build a Bear and make a bear and then I went to the Gap and got some summer clothes for Emma. She got a gift card for her birthday and I got 3 pairs of shorts and 2 tank tops. Really cute! After that we stopped at the Disney Store and got 3 pics for Emma's room. The Studio one's? If any of you know what I mean? Anyway we got 3 of them for $12.00 and normally one of them is $30.00. Great deal right? They are really cute.
After that we headed home. Got home about 5:00 and yesterday and today we really haven't done much. I had to go to the mall to exchange a pair of flip flops for Emma because they were to small. Besides that that was pretty much my week in review. Back to work tomorrow and then my in laws come on Friday afternoon for Ethan's graduation on Sunday. That is going to be real sad for me! I can't believe my boy is getting that old already! Anyway I hope all is well with all of you!
By the way when is our next scrap night and at who's house? Until next time...

Monday, May 19, 2008

My baby girl is 2!!!!

I can't believe it! These past two years have flown by! Okay I'm not real sure if I used the right word there or not but I am pretty tired right now. It's only a little after 9:00 right now and I'm closing my eyes as I write.
Okay so we got up this morning and we're at my best friend Misti's house in Bloomington and she felt horrible because she had forgot that it was Emma's birthday but she so made is special for her this morning. She had Maddie make her a card and then she put a sign on her chair with streamers everywhere! It was so nice and then she made her a waffle with sprinkles and two candles on it for her. We sang happy birthday and she blew out her candles! It was so nice! She's awesome!
Well anyway after that we headed for home and on our way home we did stop at Portillos in Sycamore and that was very yummy! Had my usual and then came home and put her down for a nap. Ethan hasn't had a nap for the past two days and he's done really well. I've been very surprised! I figured though that he is moving to school age in a couple weeks and then he won't have a nap all day so might as well start now. Okay so when Emma was a sleep we wrapped her presents and when she woke up she had a great big surprise! She was so happy to see her dora vanity. It's adorable! We also got her these cards that she likes, a dora blanket and dora bedding...yes she is in her toddler bed as we speak! I'm not sure how many times I will be getting up tonight but we'll see! :-) She went right into it and hasn't made a sound yet. *crossing my fingers* Where was I?
Yeah her she enjoyed everything and then we went to the store got her a birthday cake and my dad and sister came over tonight and enjoyed cake with us. That was very nice because that does not happen very often at all.
This past weekend was great though back tracking a little bit. We woke up on Saturday morning and had T-ball pics and then a game after that. Both went really good. He smiled so nice and the kids on his team are doing pretty well. After that we got packed and then headed down to Bloomington. We got there spent a little time and then we went out for Misti's 30th birthday. That was a lot of fun. We went to a restaurant called J Bucks and their portions of food were ginormous! Okay I spelled that wrong but I hope you know what I meant! We got home about 10:00 went to bed and then got up the next morning and the kids played outside for a while and then went to the zoo. They all had so much fun with all of the animals! They were all running everywhere! After the zoo we went to eat at Josh's favorite restaurant when he was in college called La Bamba's and he was in heaven. He was so happy that we went there. After that Misti and I took the kids to the park to play and Josh and Chris went to the store to get stuff for dinner...okay not only the store but they stopped at a pub too! We had yummy brats to eat and then after that the kids went out to play again. I do have to say that my son is going to be quite the baseball player I think. Josh was hitting him fly balls and he actually dove and caught some of them with his glove backwards. I was very impressed! I told them that if he actually does stick with it for a while he probably will be pretty good!
Alright well I really have to get to bed. Tomorrow we will be working in the yard and then Ethan has a game at 5:45. Hope all is well with all of you and I hope you guys had fun at scrap night on Saturday! Until next time...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The latest...:-)

Well I do think that graduation pics went well. My boy did not have any marks on his face so that's a good thing right? Besides that nothing else really went on yesterday.
Today was pretty good. I had Emma's evaluation this afternoon and then went okay I guess I could say. The therapists said from what they could see that everything checked out for her age except her speech and we all knew that. She will be getting once a week developmental therapy until I don't know when...But they do think I will definitely need to be there at first because she would not do anthing for anybody until I stepped in...which I thought would have been the complete opposite but I guess not. At first one of our family first coordinators came to get her that she knows pretty well and took her down to the library but she didn't do anything and then they took her back to her room and she was okay until she noticed them again and then she ran to her favorite person in the room and did nothing. So then I punched out and went to get her and brought her into the library and she did fairly well then. She warmed up after a couple minutes and then was okay. They were a little worried about her socially too but I told them she has already come a long way from where she was. So that's that...hopefully that will all go well and if you all could say a little prayer for her speech I would appreciate it! :-) Oh and they did say that they were a little curious about all the noises that she makes but I told them that I believe that it is more of a habit then anything now but who knows I guess! Tonight I went to the class that Jacque taught and it was very good. :-) After I picked the children up I took them to McDonald's and got them a happy meal. They are always excited about that! We got home, ate, spent some time and then off to bed. By the way Jacque I tried the technique tonight about not talking anymore after I layed with him for a few minutes and guess what? It worked! Yea!
So tomorrow is FRIDAY! My last day of work unitl vacation. :-) Nothing is really happening tomorrow besides my best friends 30th birthday! I will be calling her tomorrow and then seeing her on Saturday!
Saturday we will be going down to Bloomington until Monday and then we were going to go to St. Louis but now we are going to come back home and then take one day and go into Chicago and one day and go up to Madison and the Dells.
Speaking of the dells Friday May 23rd Kalahari is running a special for $99 for the night and it ends tomorrow at 12:00. We made reservations already and a couple of my co workers have too. They are coming up there that night. It is normally like $300 a night so that is an awesome deal I think. It will be a lot of fun and we've never been to this resort the nicest one up there I've heard.
Okay well I have to get to bed but that's the latest. Hope all is well with all of you and I'm sorry that I won't see you all on Saturday. :-( Have fun and I will definitely try and be there next month! Until next time...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I'm Back! :-)

Wow I can't believe I finally have my own internet! Hahahaha! I know some of you are cracking up! It's very fast now too and that just makes me happy! :-)
So I'm not really sure where to start but I have to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day! My mother's day was pretty was my dad's birthday as well. So I woke up and got my wonderful present...a vaccum. I know that sounds pretty cheesy but that's what I wanted and that's what I got! My old one that I had is 8 years old and was definitely dying on me! I can go over one spot now and it picks it right up without having to go over and over and over again! So then we went to lunch and then stopped by Culver's and got an ice cream cake to take to my dad's. We spent some time with him and then came home and put the children down for a nap. My dad tunred 77 this year! Wow! I also stopped by the cementary to give my mom flowers...
Okay new subject because that makes me real sad.
So Monday comcast came and got our phone, internet, and cable up and running. Everything is pretty good I guess. Our phone and internet can't be going at the same time right now because our router and the box for the phone are very close and they're crossing lines. Have to get that fixed soon! Also on Monday I signed Ethan up for swimming at Sand Park Pool. That is going to be real nice! I'm excited for him to learn something.
Tonight was Ethan's T-ball game and I didn't think we were going to get it in because of the weather but we did. They made some good plays tonight but the coach on the other team expected WAY to much out of those little kids. He was very angry at them and it just wasn't very nice. It's his first year and he just didn't know what to expect I guess.
Tomorrow is graduation pics! Oh my! Oh my! :-) My boy is just getting to big! I can't believe it. He will be going through the doors of his first day of kindergarten before I know it! He did fall tonight on the bleachers at T-ball and I just knew that would leave an awful mark but I haven't seen anything yet....
Thursday is Emma's evaluation for speech and also the class that Jacque is teaching I love you rituals! :-)
Friday I don't think a whole lot is going on besides it being my last day until VACATION!! Not going anywhere special...well not real real special. Going down to Bloomington on Saturday until Monday and then on Monday we're going down to St. Louis until Wednesday. Coming home on wednesday and then on Thursday my children ehave a doctors appt at 9:00. Emma's 2 year and Ethan's physical for school. Yes my baby girl will be turning 2 on Monday. She got her moving papers last week and I think I'm ready for her to visit. Not real sure yet but I'll get there!
I'm trying to think what else I can tell all of you friends. I'm real sad that I can't be there on Saturday night but you all know why.
So I saw one of my long time friends in the hall talking to another one of my other co workers and I just had a feeling I knew what she was talking about. Jacque I'm sure you know who this is...but anyway I asked her if she was moving and she said that she was interested in this new position opening up. All I hope for is that me being at Circles for 7 years I can possibly work 7:30-4:30...:-) Crossing my fingers. Anyway I'm going to get going to bed but I hope all is well with all of you. *HUGS* Until next time...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

What a great night!

So last night I hosted scrap night for the first time and I think it went pretty good...besides the fact that Jacque had to run to her mother in laws for more tables. Oops, sorry. It was great though when we all get together and catch up on things. Not a whole lot of scrapbooking goes on sometimes but that's okay. :-)
It's great to see everyone and just spend time with each other. Jacque Emma was so very happy that you were here! She loves her Ms. Jacque! How did your class go today Sarah? Good I hope! Anyway after everyone left I didn't even bother to clean up I went straight to bed. I'm not usually up that late but it was nice staying up just a little tired today. My boy decided to come up to our room this morning about 6:30 and me personally I need a little more sleep than 6 hours. I do have to say though today after we had Subway for lunch I took a 3 hour nice!
So to back track now...not a whole lot went on at work this week. I worked on Tuesday night and then I believe that we walked down at the bike path at Sinnissippi a couple nights too. It's so nice and relaxing down there and the kids really like it too. We had a potluck on Friday for Ms. Cheryl and that of coarse was yummy, yummmy! Saturday morning just cleaned the house while Josh and Ethan went to T-ball practice. They came home and then we went to get something to eat and off to the grocery store to get a few things for the scrap night. After I got up this morning and got motivated I cleaned the house up and then we went grocery shopping for the week. How fun right? Wow Sarah I can't believe that Jacob ate so many grilled cheese sandwiches. I can't imagine, but I will probably be in that situation in a few years! LOL and 5 gallons of milk a week? WOW!
This coming week I will be working 6:00-3:00 everyday. How very nice that is it's just hard to get up the first day or two! I do love getting off at 3:00 though! :-)
Tomorrow I have to sign the papers for Emma's speech and get her re-evaluated. Tuesday night I have to work for the last time....until September I think...
Wednesday I have a class at the Mildred Berry Center from 6:00-7:30 and then on Thurday I don't think I have anything besides watching GREY'S!
Plans for this coming weekend include going to the BIG garage sale and then meeting my co-workers at Chen's on Saturday at 5:00! I heard it's really good but I have never been there. Any of you been there?
Well gotta go and get taco's ready for dinner...until next time! :-)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Making New Friends

Hi everyone I just wanted to try and update all of you. So on Sunday morning we got up and I spent the whole morning outside with the was such a beautiful day out. Ethan does love playing with his sister Emma but I think he's looking for new friends. He told me come on mom lets walk around the neighborhood and look for some friends...I smiled and told him okay. There were a couple kids on the street behind our house but they were hispanic and I don't really think he would have understood them and he wasn't really into going over and talking to we kept walking. Didn't really find any kids but then later on that afternoon he said that he was going out and looking for friends again. I told him okay and he was off...not to far because I wanted to keep an eye on him. All of a sudden he came running in the house saying he found some friends. I went out with him and certainly did..I was very surprised. They live kaddy corner from our back yard. They have 3 kids. One is in third grade and her name is Samantha, the second one is going to Jackson in the fall and maybe will be in Ethan's kindergarten class his name is Alex, he turns 5 in July and then they have Maggie that turned 3 in January. They all seem very nice and he's very happy to finally meet some kids. So anyway the rest of Sunday included playing outside, going to T-ball practice, playing with his new friends, and then Denine came over and got Ethan's loft bed for Kyle.
Ethan didn't like the loft bed anymore so we put a captain's bed for him and now Denine has that bed for Kyle and I guess he loves it!
Yesterday started another work week and not to much went on. Worked all day, came home had dinner and then had to run to Walmart to get diapers and wipes. I can't wait until she's toliet trained now but I do have a very strong feeling that that is going to take FOREVER because she is unbelieveablely stubborn! Wow is she!
Today got to work and found out that one of my co workers wasn't able to come in because her little girl is sick and I thought it was going to be a very challenging day because it was just me and Denine and a float....Ellyn is on vacation this week. It wasn't to bad at all though and went pretty smoothly. :-) On my break I went to find Emma a spring jacket and I picked one up at Target but there were only 2 left and they were both 3 T so I was very lucky. I think I waited to long. Oops!
Now she has a pretty spring jacket. After work I went to work at Children's Home and Aide Society and they were very good tonight. I only had 5 kids and it went pretty smoothly...after that I came home, gave my kids a kiss goodnight, finished watching Big Brother and now I'm updating you. So what do all of you think of Big Brother by the way? Who do you think is going to win it all? I'm not sure to tell you the truth.
Well I better get off here because I have to do a load of laundry and then off to bed. Tomorrow is Hump Day! Yea! Until next time...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Fun Filled Day of T-Ball!

So today we got up and got ready and went straight out to the T-ball fields. I wish it would have been a nicer day out but tomorrow is suppose to be beautiful! Yea! So anyway we had to clean up the fields and get ready for games. Everyone comes out and we get the uniforms, fundraisers, etc... There were quite a few people out there especially for the weather being so yucky. Ethan and Emma enjoyed picking up all the sticks. Emma thought she was so BIG! She is getting big and I can't believe that she is turning 2 one month from today!!! How crazy! Time does fly. So Emma and I came home to change her clothes because she was really dirty! Ethan and Josh are still out there for a while because practice starts at 12:00. After that we are going to Red Robin for an early dinner late lunch. I love that place! Have you guys been there? So yummy right?

Anyway not a whole lot has been going on this past week. I had a class I went to and on Tuesday I went to the Children's Home and Aide Society to work. I only have about 2 more weeks left and then I'm off for a little while. That will be nice though because Ethan's T-ball games start. This coming week doesn't look to busy yet...

Remember next weekend is Scrap Night! Just a little reminder for all of you.
Until next time...

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm so bad...sorry

So I haven't written on the blog for about a week but I feel like I don't always have alot to talk about or that it's just stuff that's boring!
So Josh and I had Friday off work and it was so nice to spend a couple hours together. We RARELY ever get to so it was pretty nice. The first thing we did was we went to Jackson school and took a tour and met the teachers and the principal. It was much much better than I had expected so that was definitely good! We were able to pick out his room for kindergarten and I do love his teacher....oh by way we did go down to the family resource center and get him switched over to Jackson. I don't want him to switch schools next year when the neighborhood school thing goes into affect. I'm pretty good with the decision. They are getting a brand new play ground this summer too which they are in desparate need of so that's nice. We found out so many things and I'm not really sure where to begin but I think it's going to be good. Anyway after that we went to lunch at Olive Garden which is my favorite restaurant to eat at then we went to the mall to walk around and buy a couple things before we went back to Circles to get my lovely's. Oh and I did get my hair cut finally. That feels much better. So we picked up the kids, came home, left again to go grocery shopping and then grabbed some dinner.
Saturday not much happened. I was on the phone with Amanda and Jodi beeped in to let her know that she had a 9lb. 10oz. baby girl by C-section on saturday morning around 8:30. I thought Ethan was big at 9lbs. 6oz. She did try and deliver vaginally but the baby wouldn't come down and then she started running a fever. Anyway mom and baby are doing good the last I heard.
Then we went to grab lunch and went to go and see my dad which I hadn't seen in weeks. He's doing good though...I was nervous though because I called and called and called and no answer so we went over there and his truck was there but he didn't answer the phone or come to the door when I rang the door I opened the door with the key that I have for the house and I was just praying that when I walked in that everything was okay. I yelled for him and still no answer so I walked through the house and he was in the very back working with his tools....big sigh.
Today we all got up and Josh left the house right away to go and pick up furniture from one of his co workers. We got that in the house and it's pretty nice but I do miss having a love seat because now we have a couch and a over sized's okay for right now though. We ate pizza for lunch and then Josh and Ethan went to the first T-ball practice. That went pretty good and I guess we have 2 little girls on the team and one of them is pretty good. While they were there Emma and I went to Gordman's but I didn't find anything. So that's pretty much the latest....well the weekend latest. I can't remember back all of last week to long ago. Sometimes when I don't write either it's because my connection is horrible but not now!
Oh and the latest on Emma's speech...I faxed over her insurance card and our W 2's to child and family and I have an appointment over my break on the 28th I believe. We are getting that started finally and hopefully it will be a good thing. Please say some prayers and keep your fingers crossed that it's helps her.
Tomorrow starts another work week and we have to drop the van off in the morning to get fixed...yuck! Hope all is well with all of you and I hope to hear from you soon. (HUGS)

Sunday, April 6, 2008


It's been a long day so I'm just going to make this short and sweet and then go and lay down on the couch!
So we got up this morning and had to go to Target and get a bag and a card for a present I got for a baby shower and I also had to go and exchange the clothes I bought for Ethan because I guess I thought he was in a bigger size then he was. I also picked up a couple pairs of shorts and shirts for Emma. I went through her clothes this morning and found out that she really only had 2 pairs of shorts and 2 shirts for summer. She needs more... Okay well all that is taken care of now.
After we got back home I got ready to go to the baby shower. It was very nice. The girl who was having a baby I have known since she was born. Her grandma and my mom use to be best friends. We have lost touch over the years but it was good to see her and her family again. She got a TON of presents...I have never seen so many in my entire life!!!
Got home from the shower and took the kids to the park right down the road from where we live. It's a nice little park but Alpine defniitely beats it. So we got to the park and Josh had taken Ethan's training wheels off his bike to teach him how to ride without them. This was kind of scary because I didn't want him to fall off and either break something or get injured somehow. WOW was I wrong! He is an old pro at it...I was very shocked! Josh ran behind him for a minute to show him that the wheels were off and after that he was able to do it. I'm very proud of him! He even learned how to slow down and catch himself from falling. Just one time and that was it. WOW! Okay so after that we decided to take the kids to Alpine park. They had a blast there. Emma went in and out of the little tot tree, slid down the slides, and loved the swing! I do believe that is where we will have her 2nd birthday party. She will be 2 on May 19th! I can't believe that already. Ethan is climbing all over that equipment now. I remember when we took him there for the first time and I was right behind him holding him and pushing him...not anymore. Now that's Emma and I'm sure it won't be for long!
We came home and decided to cook burgers on the grill. That was yummy. The children wanted to play outside again and now I'm just typing with Emma sitting on my lap as we speak. She is absolutely scared to death of every little noise she hears now. We are running the dish washer and every little noise it makes she starts screaming and runs as quickly as she can over to me. Wow I don't really know why that's happening now but it is. I do have to say my daughter looks absolutely adorable today. She's wearing a little skirt and shirt and her little chunky legs are sticking out! :-)
Big Brother's on now so I'm going over to the couch and laying down....
Hope all of you had a good weekend! Until next time...

Saturday, April 5, 2008

What a Beautiful Day!

So this morning we woke up and Josh went to Menard's to rent a truck to pick up our new furniture...well not new but you know what I mean. I guess the only way you can rent a truck is if you buy something from there. Which is does make sense I guess but the lady on the phone yesterday told him that he could rent it for anything so I guess she really didn't know the policy. Okay so he came home without the furniture needless to say. Maybe next weekend...
Well then I finished straightening up the house and we went into Cici's Pizza and to the Outlet in Huntley. That sure is a yummy pizza place...I love there macaroni and cheese pizza. I know it might sound gross but it's really really good! Then my favorite thing SHOPPING! Yea! We didn't buy a whole lot but we bought so that's always nice. I got Emma a shirt and shirt from Carters and a baby shower present there for a good friend. Then Josh got a shirt and I got some pants from Reebok. We picked up a grill pan from the kitchen store that was on clearance and then we went to Target and bought Ethan three pairs of shorts and 2 shirts for summer.
By this time it was time to go home...I got home and started working on the yard. I raked my whole front yard and the flower beds. Tomorrow will work on the side and the back.
So after working on the yard, we went grocery shopping for the week and then picked up dinner. The kids got McDonalds and Josh and I went to Subway. Yummy! Then it was relaxation time...well close. I put the children to bed and then relaxation time.
Tomorrow is another beautiful day at least I think. I haven't seen the news tonight but it was suppose to be.
Plans for tomorrow include yard work, taking the kids to Alpine park maybe and that's about it...oh maybe a haircut! Hope everyone is good. Until next time

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

It's been a while

Hey all want to keep you all up to date. Not a whole lots been going on since Saturday but I feel I need to write! Sunday the children and I did not leave our house once. We stayed in our jammies all day and just relaxed. It was nice.
I did read 12 books to my boy for his Book It at school going on right now...besides that didn't do much else. Oh I did take a nap and that's always wonderful when that happens. Was it Sunday night when we got that Thunder storm? That was great because if some of you know me I hate storms and so do my children. Ethan came up to our bad about 3:40 and I asked what was wrong and he just shook his head well then I heard the thunder and I knew what was wrong. So he was laying with us and then 5 minutes later I hear Emma crying. She has never cried before and now that she can hear I guess she is going to be afraid too. So I went downstairs to get her and brought her up. We laid there for about 20 minutes or so and then Josh decides to go and try and get some sleep on the couch. Okay that's fine but my children did not fall asleep unti about 5:30 so I was extremely tired on Monday. It's going to be a LONG spring and summer if you know what I mean. Yesterday I started back on my the weight watchers!
It's been hard the past 2 days but I'm getting use to it again. So far to date I've lost 30 pounds. I don't want to lose much more but I don't want to gain either.
Hmmmm, I can't really think of what happened yesterday..must not have been to important I guess. Oh we are getting a new couch and over sized chair. I do love that because our couch and loveseat that we have right now are completely falling apart. It's not brand new, we're getting it from one of Josh's co workers because him and his wife are getting a sectional. Trying to find a truck right now though so we can go and pick it up this weekend. Last night we also watched the movie In the Valley of Ellah and it was pretty good. Anyone seen it?
Today just went to work and then after work I went to my second job over at the Children's Home and Aide Society and all my children there were pretty good. I got home about 8:30 finished watching Big Brother and now I'm writing. Not really sure what's happening tomorrow but sometime this week I do need to go and get my hair cut. Anyway so long for now...I hope everyone is doing good. Did everyone get my e-vites? I Hope you can come!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

What a Saturday...

Not much going on today. I got up and went to get McDonald's for breakfast and then we went grocery shopping and got the oil changed in the car. How fun huh?
We came home relaxed and then met my lovely co workers at Lonestar for lunch. It was quite yummy! We usually pick a restaurant once a month and then go all out together with our families. We all love each so much! :-) I guess we don't see each other enough during the week!
Well then after lunch we stopped by best buy and got a birthday present for my father in law...lets see if he actually gets it in time for his birthday. We still have about 2 weeks or so but we're really bad at sending things out. Then we came home and the kids are taking a nap, so nice.
Today we were in the car and I'm not sure what brought it up but Ethan asked why his Grandma and Pappy don't live here so he can see them more often and all we could really say is that they can't right now and they don't like the winters. When he brings things up like that it makes me kind of sad because I know he would like to see them much more often than he does but it's just not possible you know. He does talk to them on the phone though and that's nice. They are coming out for his Preschool Graduation though and that is SO NICE!
Anyway not a whole lot other than that. I never got to the van today and it is a beautiful day out. I think later I might run to Hobby Lobby though because all of their scrapbook stuff is 50% off and the sale ends today.
Oh and by the way we found out what team we're going to be this year for T-Ball
Last year we were the Orioles and this year we are the Pirates! Ethan is very excited about being a pirate. We go and pick up the equipement tomorrow afternoon and then Josh just has to call everyone to set up practices.
Well off I go to check on my little long for now

Friday, March 28, 2008

School Choice!

Yes we finally got it in the mail today and both Angie and I got our first choices for our children. Angie's kids are going to Brookview and Ethan is going to Johnson. I kind of wished that they would have been together because they are all going to miss each other so much! They will see each other for a little bit after school maybe but that's about it unless we get together on the weekends.
Anyway Angie's kids are definitely going to Brookview from here on out but I'm not sure about Ethan. My letter in the mail said that unfortunately this letter is to inform you that your child was not assigned to any of the schools listed on his application but he is assigned to a temporary class (one year only) at Johnson. He is going to be in an incubation class that has been opened because of the number of new kindergarteners. They are not continuing this section for the next school year. SO he will be reassigned to another school if he doesn't get into Johnson. He will be on a waiting list until August I really am hoping that he gets in no matter what. If they do go to neighborhood schools though he will have to change schools. I thought I heard though that they're not planning on doing this anything soon though because it will bring up the issue of segregation again and back in court. I don't know though.
So besides that not a whole lot went on today. We have a very yummy potluck at work today and we got new toys for our room. That was very excited for us and our children! I also got another one of my PORTFOLIOS turned in Jacque!
When I got home we had dinner and then I went out and cleaned my car and wow was it dirty! I have 2 and a half garbage bags full! Yeah I know pretty gross...anwyay it's spotless now and going to stay that way. At least I think.......Tomorrow I will work on the van when the children are taking a nap. So long for now

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Yes that is what I said, "swimmy!" This is what Ethan named his first pet fish. I went to walmart today just thinking I was getting food for our potluck at work tomorrow when all of a sudden I was putting a fish in my cart with everything for it! Ethan has been so sad lately because he's wanted an animal. He is very allergic to dogs, cats, and probably everything else that has hair. We just found this out last summer when we were going to get another puppy. He broke out in such a horrible rash and his eyes were real itchy and watery. The same thing happened when we went to Denine's house. She has 3 sadly to say that is the conclusion that we came to. When I brought the fish back to work today I had one of his teachers bring him down to my room when he woke up so he could see his surprise. Boy was he surprised! He lite up with a great big smile on his face and I guess he was telling anyone and everyone that came into the room that he got a fish! I hoping it doesn't die right away, kind of worried about that.
When we got home tonight he ran in and told his dad right away and he said what made you do that and I told him that I wasn't quite sure but I thought he needed it. So now we have Swimmy. He has been watching him nonstop and didn't even want to go to bed. I finally got him in bed though and I'm sure that's the first thing he's going to go for in the morning. Besides that nothing else is really new....Talk to you all soon!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

What a Beautiful Day

It was such a beautiful day today and I do believe that we are getting snow tomorrow! How crazy...I wish this weather would just stop being so crazy warm up and stay that way. When I got home tonight we hurried and ate tacos and then went for a walk at Sinnissippi. It's so nice down there and it's so close to our house.
We got home and I was in the process of cleaning or straightening up my house and watching Big Brother...Do any of you watch that show? What did you think? I think that Chelsia lost it, she just went crazy there for a minute.
Anyway nothing else is really new. I talked to the lady today from Child and Family and she told me to wait another month or so before I do anything. It's so confusing because at first they told me how much she needed this and then when I finally call and try to get things set up she said just wait a little while longer. She's suppose to be sending me out some articles that talk about ways that I can try and help so we'll see how that goes. Well I have to keep cleaning a little and then off to bed. I hope all is well with all of you. Hope to talk to you soon.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Speech Therapy

Well today it was brought to my attention again that my daughter needs speech therapy. I definitely realize this fact but it is difficult. I know know one wants anything to be wrong with their child and the fact that my first child was ahead on everything that makes it even more hard. I do also realize that I CAN NOT compare my children but at the same time it's still difficult. I had Emma evaluated back in December and their main concern was her speech. They said that she was at a 50% delay at the time and that she definitely need some speech. Well I wasn't going to do anything at the time because we were having tubes put in her ears and I figured that once she started hearing better that it would just come...this is what her dad thought and still thinks today. She has babbled more than she ever did before but I know from watching her that it is frustrating not only to me but to her because she does try and just can't get anything out. I'm not sure anymore...I do think I just have to bite the bullet and call back again. Her account is closed once again so I will have to reopoen it and then I'm sure have her reevaluated. I'm not sure how that works though. Josh wants to wait until she turns 2 in May and then do something about it because he's hoping that we won't have to do anything about it and words will just start coming out. I understand what he's thinking but I do think she might need something else. Yes I know my daughter will eventually talk she might be 3 or 4 but that's the thing then she will be so far behind I think it will be hard for her to catch up. I'm not sure how long the therapy would even be. I know from the scale I received how much it would be per month but I'm not sure if insurance covers that or not? Any thoughts and opinions would be great...
So yes this has been on my mind once again all afternoon and night. When I got off work tonight I had to go straight to Children's Home and Aide Society and so the child care there for a couple hours so needless to say I'm quite tired right now. The children were pretty good tonight...I had a 3 year old little girl that was extremely tired though and all she wanted was a cookie all night long. I wasn't able to get her one though and so she screamed off and on all night. Anyway so long for now...

Monday, March 24, 2008

Sale at Target!

So we went out to Target tonight to try and find a bag for our new laptop but no luck...
But I did find a couple new summer shirts for my princess. They had a BIG clearance rack full of different shirts, skirts, pants, and shorts. Needless to say I picked up two t-shirts for her for $2.00 a piece...nice huh?
My children also spent their money that they got in the mail from Grandma
Ethan was very excited he got a new power ranger that turns into a tiger and Emma got a Dora See and Say that she's already pulled the handle down about 100 times!
Anyway nothing else is really going on right now just have to go change the laundry down stairs and off to bed.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

So this morning after I woke up my children and told them that the Easter Bunny had come my son almost flew off his bed when he saw Easter eggs laying on his floor. He went straight into Emma's room and said, "Emma the Easter bunny came!!" They both grabbed their Easter baskets and went around the house together trying to find all the eggs. He was a very big brother and showed Emma where the eggs were and let her pick some up too. No tackling was involved Thank God! So when they were done they went and found their Easter presents that the bunny had left and Ethan was so excited that he got another WEBKINZ. He has 3 of them now and he thinks that they are the best things. After breakfast we had to get right online and adopt his new friend. So far he has a frog, a pug, and today he got a elephant! When we were done adopting his new friend he called his pappy and grandma and wished them a Happy Easter. He was very happy on Friday when we got home and him and Emma received a card in the mail with paper money inside...his eyes got as big as half dollars!
Then I called my dad this morning and told him Happy Easter and he had to get off the phone because he was getting sick. Must have some how got the bug that's going around. I had it last week and I know how he must be feeling. So needless to say he will not be coming over for Easter dinner. So it will just be us having a yummy Easter dinner.

Scrap Night!

Last night was so much fun getting together at Jacque's house for mine and Sarah's birthday scrap night! I actually got a page done and I JOURNALLED! Yes I know all of you are very proud of me! Thank you all for the wonderful birthday presents....I love them!
So after I got home from the scrap night I had to get Easter ready for my children and don't you know that they both woke up when I was putting the eggs around the house and setting their Easter baskets out. Thank God Ethan didn't actually get out of bed or I would have been in trouble. So I got everything set up and was in bed by 12:15