Friday, August 29, 2008

We Made it through...:-)

Well Ethan's first week of Kindergarten is finished. Everything went really well.
On the first full day he came back to the daycare and had this look on his face like something was wrong. I called the school and talked to his teacher and she goes by the red, yellow, and green stop light for behavior. She told me that Ethan had had a yellow day that day because him and another child were playing around when they were suppose to be looking at a book...well I think Ethan was kind of upset about this and I had talked to him that night and the next three days to finish up the week were all green and he even got a pecial bug today and he got to pick out of the treasure box! I was very proud of him. I think he knows now that it's a little different and things have changed. So besides that everything has gone pretty well. His teacher also sent home a newsletter on Tuesday that said he had to know 10 sight words by Friday. WHAT!?!?!?!? I was really shocked and didn't really know that this was coming SO SOON! I think my friends at work were also a little shocked that it came so soon. Well we started working on Wednesday night and he knew them perfectly by Friday morning...I was very impressed with him. So today he came back from school and I asked him how his sight words test was and he said HE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE IT! Frustrating! I'm really confused when he was going to test them. I did try and call to find out but the line was busy to the school. So I'm not real sure when she's going to ask them if they know the words. 1 week down, several to go! :-)
This weekend is going to be wonderful. The weather is suppose to be beautiful and we all have Monday off! Yea! Tomorrow I think we are going to go to Kenosha and go to the Jelly Belly Factory and maybe let the kids play on the beach at Lake Michigan. Jacque told me it's beautiful up there. We also wanted to take the kids into the Rainforest Cafe because we have a gift certificate there. On Sunday is one of my co workers son's birthday parties and we were going to go to their house. Monday I would really like to go to the pool on the last day before they all close. I can't believe summer is just about over and here we come fall! I am excited about fall though because of all the craft shows and the pumpkin patch and apple orchard. Hey does anyone know if the Apple Orchard is opening up again this year? I heard that they're rebuilding it but I wasn't sure when it was going to open?
Anyway I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and be safe. Until next time...

Monday, August 25, 2008

I did it!

Yes I know I haven't been blogging lately but I have to tell you I sent my boy off on his first day of kindergarten! Wow was that something! I did not cry but I did get a little teary eyed when she bent down shook Ethan's hand and said it's nice to meet you. I know all of you are shocked that I did not ball like an absolute baby! I tried to prepare myself and I think I did a pretty good job. Did I sleep last night? Absolutely NOT! I already love his teacher to death...she is amazing! She's real young and she said that she's been teaching for 3 years now. I did ask Ethan how his first day was when I picked him up and he said good and I'm already making new friends. Did I have an doubt? No...Ethan is very social and does not have a problem making friends. I was standing in the hall waiting to pick him up and I heard the teacher say to the children I am going to call whoever is sitting nice and quite on the rug to go get there things to get ready to go home. I was standing by the lockers so he would not see me but who was first to line up? Yes my big boy! I was so proud of him...not saying that everyday is going to be like this but it was nice. As we were walking back to the van he says to me, "mom no one had to go to the principals office today." I told him that's nice as I laugh to myself! He also said when we were taking a bathroom break I saw the principal in the hallway and I asked him if he said hi and he said he didn't but I do think it's pretty funny that he is keeping an eye out for him! *lol* The whole time after we dropped Ethan off at school Emma said about 50 million times...E? E? E? She was very worried but I kept telling her that we weren't going to leave him there we were going to go back and pick him up. You should have seen the look on her face when we went to get him! Boy was she happy! They love each other to death...:-) After I picked him up we went to the mall and I let them play in the play area and then I told them to McDonalds. He was very happy about that. Now we're at home and I'm in the process of cleaning my house while the children are resting/napping. Hope all is well with all you of and I hope to hear from you soon! Until next time...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Let the countdown begin!

22 days from today my baby boy will be starting his first day of kindergarten! Oh My Gosh! I'm trying to prepare myself but I don't think it's really going to help! I can't believe it's here already and I'm sure from here on out it's going to FLY by! I hope he does well...I think he will I just am dreading any phone calls from the school discussing his behavior. As some of you know Ethan can get angry at times and it's hard but I think he is doing much better than he use to. So I guess we will just see how it goes and go from there...I also think that once he gets into school they mature so much more. If I'm wrong please feel free to correct me but I think he's just getting older and knows how to do and control a lot more of his actions sometimes.
My baby girl is doing good...trying to say more words everyday and throwing fits! She is defnitely hitting her terrible twos and saying NO ALL THE TIME! That is her most favorite word! lol I remember that Ethan was worse when he was 3 but I'm not sure what she's going to be like at 3! Uh oh! Besides that Amy still sees Emma every week and she loves her to death! I'm very thankful for that!
Last weekend when we all went to Archiver's it was so much fun! I actually got something done for once! lol
Sarah I'm sorry to hear the results about Jacob I'm sure he's sad but it will eventually be okay. I know that's easy for me to say but I just want you to know that all of you guys are in my prayers. That is awesome by the way what Ryan sent him in the mail...I bet he was absolutely beside himself! :-)
This past week went pretty good...we had to get the van fixed before our vacation next week so that was kind of sucky but you gotta do what you gotta do I guess.
This weekend so far has been pretty good. Yesterday Ethan had his last swimming lesson which I can't believe that it's over already but he did learn quite a bit. He can't swim completely on his own yet but he's doing much much better. We also had another yard sale at our house yesterday and that went okay but nothing big let me tell you! I thought it was such a beautiful day we would have a lot of people and apparently they were all doing other things! :-) It did make me quite upset though because when I went around to take down all the signs one of my signs was down and folded in half and I opened it up and it said, "It's Rude and Unchristian to take down or cover other peoples signs." I was shocked because when I put my sign up there was nothing there...oh well I guess it just completely shocked me! After the sale my friend Ellyn came over with her daughter Rylee and the kids ran through the sprinker and played in the baby pool that we have. They had so much fun and when they were done playing outside we came in ordered Chinese for dinner and the kids played inside for a while. Emma and Rylee love each other and every time they see each other they have to give one another a great big hug! It's real cute! That was pretty much the end of the night and today I'm not sure what we're going to do. We might go to the pool or maybe into Woodfield...I'm not sure yet.
This coming week not a whole lot going on...Amy is coming to see Amy and we're getting ready to leave for vacation. We're going back to PA where Josh is from. We haven't been back there in about 4 and a half years so we think it's about time! We're staying with Josh's best friend from college for a couple days and going into Pittsburgh and then we're headed to his grandpas house for a couple days. His grandpa lives where the Steeler's Training Camp is so we will be going there for day and maybe getting autographs and/or pics. We are also going to Penn State for a day which is going to be awesome! I can't wait and I will be buying some stuff! :-)
One of our last days there we are going to this theme/waterpark back there which is suppose to be really nice. That will be fun for the kids. I'm not really looking foward to the ride but we'll get through it! When we return home I have to register Ethan for school and we're going to Magic Water's on Saturday before returning to work on Monday...this is the 18th! Josh and I are celebrating our 7 year wedding anniversary on Monday the 11th! 3 more years and we're going to take a really nice much needed vacation all by ourselves. Okay well I have to go for now but I hope all is well with all of you. Until next time...