Monday, August 25, 2008

I did it!

Yes I know I haven't been blogging lately but I have to tell you I sent my boy off on his first day of kindergarten! Wow was that something! I did not cry but I did get a little teary eyed when she bent down shook Ethan's hand and said it's nice to meet you. I know all of you are shocked that I did not ball like an absolute baby! I tried to prepare myself and I think I did a pretty good job. Did I sleep last night? Absolutely NOT! I already love his teacher to death...she is amazing! She's real young and she said that she's been teaching for 3 years now. I did ask Ethan how his first day was when I picked him up and he said good and I'm already making new friends. Did I have an doubt? No...Ethan is very social and does not have a problem making friends. I was standing in the hall waiting to pick him up and I heard the teacher say to the children I am going to call whoever is sitting nice and quite on the rug to go get there things to get ready to go home. I was standing by the lockers so he would not see me but who was first to line up? Yes my big boy! I was so proud of him...not saying that everyday is going to be like this but it was nice. As we were walking back to the van he says to me, "mom no one had to go to the principals office today." I told him that's nice as I laugh to myself! He also said when we were taking a bathroom break I saw the principal in the hallway and I asked him if he said hi and he said he didn't but I do think it's pretty funny that he is keeping an eye out for him! *lol* The whole time after we dropped Ethan off at school Emma said about 50 million times...E? E? E? She was very worried but I kept telling her that we weren't going to leave him there we were going to go back and pick him up. You should have seen the look on her face when we went to get him! Boy was she happy! They love each other to death...:-) After I picked him up we went to the mall and I let them play in the play area and then I told them to McDonalds. He was very happy about that. Now we're at home and I'm in the process of cleaning my house while the children are resting/napping. Hope all is well with all you of and I hope to hear from you soon! Until next time...


Sarah Doyle said...

so glad it went well! I knew he'd love it and I'm so glad you were okay:)
Does he only go 1/2 day?
nice that you were able to take and pick up! Will he ride the bus from circles?
talk to you soon

3 kids & us said...

Great job ethan